Friday, July 2, 2021

Fraction Reflection.Tessa Webb

 Fraction Reflection 

This is an opportunity for you to reflect on your Maths teaching and learning this week. You can then put it up on your blog. 

As a Learner: 

What did I learn during the two different lessons?

Putting the right fraction in the right place on a number line and learning about denominator and the numerator.

What could have been better?

Getting their Kahoot set up for their learners and having more activities and having all of there stuff set up.

What were the strengths of my / our teaching?

We got an 8 on " I was well supported and it was fun and enjoyable.

And a 7 on All children experience learning that is not too easy and not to hard.

What could have been better? 

Getting our Kahoot set up before our teaching and having a longer game and doing more fractions tests.

What did I learn from being an observer? 

Nothing really, except that you have to ask the learners if its hard or too easy.

Would you like the opportunity to teach children in another area of maths? Why or why not?

Yes I would like to teach again but doing times and divided by.